All Time Favorite People: The Girls

Left to right: Atika Almira, Me, Fathina Izmi Nugrahanti, and Ega Zulfa Rahcita

Last night we have had breakfasting together at my place. It was nice to gather with them again after a long time. Tika now is working at PT. BIJB, and soon she’ll fly to Netherlands to pursue higher education at IHS, focusing on housing. Iin now is working at Dept of Architecture ITB as an academic assistant. And Ega, she’s now working freelance for several projects. She’s planning to continue master study at ITB this year (or probably next year).

We talked about a whole lot of things laat night; campus, marriage, our friends, and jokes. Lots and lots of jokes.

I told them the story of Tika searching for “Tutorial Sarung Ninja” in YouTube couple of weeks before. That one was silly and hilarious and we couldn’t help laughing about that. Then, Iin told us about her mother asked a lecturer at FPIK IPB regarding “Ikan di dalam Cumi”. That one was hilarious too.

Well then.

It was good meeting them, really.

May Allah protect you all always, and gather us again in Jannah.
